Return to Oz: Princess Mombi

Creepy Kids’ Movies #2 (con’t): Return to Oz:
Princess Mombi

Return to Oz_Mombi2

How do you top the Wicked Witch of the West, who many children say they were scared of? How about a princess who can remove her head and replace it with others in order to stay young? Princess Mombi is the most terrifying thing about Return to Oz. The viewer not only get’s to see Princess Mombi appear with different faces, but we also get to see her without any head at all. In addition, the princess tells Dorothy that she wants to keep her in a tower until she matures so that she can cut off Dorothy’s head and add it to her collection! If that wasn’t scary enough, the viewers (and Dorothy) are shown a room where the princess keeps all these heads! Surprisingly, that wasn’t even the scariest part. Continue reading

Creepy Kids’ Movies

Was it a cruel joke… or did the film makers just not realize? Everyone has seen at least one of them: So-called kids movies or “family” movies with something that really stuck with you, something that warped your childhood, something that told you that the movie you are watching just might not turn out ok… and even if it did, it left you feeling… disturbed.

So, I am going to be posting some family films with at least one disturbing scene that leaves and lasting impact. (I’m not going to limit this to a “Top 10” list or anything, because I hope to continue to add to it as other movies come to mind.)

Creepy Kids’ Movies is going to be an ongoing compilation of film titles that tend to be thought of as “kids movies,” or “family films,” but that have elements in them that tend to be scary, unsettling, disturbing, dark and… well… creepy. These “creepy” elements may have been intentional by the filmmakers or completely accidental, as if they didn’t realize how unsettling a moment would be to kids. As much as those scenes may have disturbed me as a kid… I also loved them! I hope others do too.